Tuesday, January 10, 2017

RIP 2016 - The Shit Show has ended

Well I am back. I am here. I have changed. I have a lot to say. Where do I begin?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

GUESS WHO'S BACK? Little old me... My shrink thought it was a good idea to pick this up again...even if NO ONE reads it. So here we go. Let's get this baby back on track.

2016.....We have A LOT to catch up on....

This has been the worst year of my ENTIRE life. Rather than cry internet tears on here I will tell the tale of this shit-tastic year and we shall have a few laughs. For now as I gather my thoughts on it all, I will leave you with this...


Friday, May 15, 2015

Will this make me accountable?

After seeing many people create blogs in order to share struggles or challenges, and seeing how it has helped them I thought I would give it a try too.